The 36 Lessons of Vivec

rendered in markdown with verse numbers and rubrics

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This is a collection of various translations and renderings of The 36 Lessons of Vivec, assembled together in the hopes of making it easier for readers to study and reference the text. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is available on GOG, Steam, Humble, and Xbox Live. More information about this project can be found on the About page.


V Description
TES III: Morrowind Edition An archive of the original versions of the complete text.
TES: Online Edition An archive of the current versions of the complete text.
Traditional Format A format that follows the original game and early web versions of the text, while introducing rubrication.
Miscellaneous Fan Editions Various fan translations and compilations of the text.
TWS Verse Edition A reconstruction of the Theoretical Whirling School Edition.
Quintessence Verse Edition From the online version of the Quintessence, a versified, rubricated, and stylized Dunmer bible.


V Description
List of Available Commentaries A collection of links to various essays and commentaries.
About This Text A long-winded write-up that I lied and said was brief.
Game Version Differences Documentation on the textual changes between game editions.
Traditional Text Corrections A complete list of the minor edits I made to the Traditional Edition.
Project Repository The GitHub repository that hosts this page.

The Anticipation of Vivec
The Anticipation of Vivec, fresco by TheMyzel