Volume Ten
¹By the word, I wind the gears.
eware blind
reverence for The Old, child of Seht. The oil of antiquity often fuels the future.
³Those who ignore the counsel of our blessed ancestors do so at their peril.
⁴But not all ruins hide wisdom within their shattered halls. Some ruins are dark and barren places—
⁵unsteady graves for lies and curses. Resting places for bent axles, stripped bolts, and the bitter silence of inertia.
⁶In the time before our Father’s rise, old and feeble knowledge ruled the hearts of mer. ⁷The children of ash entered their ancestral tombs not in search of truth, but in search of truth’s corpse. ⁸They saw their forebears not as proud and vigorous guides, but as wheezing, toothless ghosts— ⁹guardians of the musty and derelict engines that fools call deep wisdom. You must smash these old machines, child of Seht! ¹⁰The past does not rust upon the scrap pile. It hurtles toward the Mainspring Ever-Wound’s glorious and multi-angled future, whipped by the scorching tongues of our honored forebears! ¹¹Ever do their words and deeds grease the wheels of the Nirn-Ensuing! ¹²Ever do they weld the seams of Tamriel Final! Anuvanna’si.
¹³But alas! Even now, stewards of The Old feed aged truth to those who would listen. ¹⁴They are the daughters and sons of PSJJJJ who crouch like gargoyles over musty tomes, faces hidden beneath frayed and graying robes. ¹⁵They counsel caution, temperance, and equanimity—ancient virtues of the fading Nirn-Prior. ¹⁶Even so, the Father of Curiosity calls them friends. ¹⁷With a god’s patience, He teaches them. With a father’s love, He guides them; all in the hopes that one day they may see the deepest truth of The Old: ¹⁸that we must banish our feeble ghosts and give their memory new life through the thrice-folded mind. ¹⁹Toothless gears cannot be repaired—they must be melted and reforged. So it is with our people’s truth.
²⁰None will deny that the daughters and sons of PSJJJJ wield great power. ²¹Like our Clockwork City, their isle of Artaeum glides between what is and what may be. ²²Like our Clockwork Apostles, they study, strive, and create. But power without an infinite future’s courage is like an empty boiler— ²³infused with fierce heat but producing no steam. Woe upon those who recoil from Tamriel Final! Anuvanna’si. ²⁴The will of the Clockwork God turns such cowardice to slag. ²⁵But rejoice! The Father of Mysteries’ affection proves the worth of PSJJJJ. ²⁶One day these lost spellweavers will heed the words of the Divine Metronome and seek the true and noble change—the aratagnithir. ²⁷On that day we shall embrace them not as friends, but as brothers and sisters.
²⁸By the word, I wind the gears.