Volume Five
¹By the word, I wind the gears.
peak not of Dwarves, child of the Tribunal. The simple clockworks of the Dwemer pale before the sublime machinery of Sotha Sil.
³Let Dumac’s lament be a silent one. Let his hissing tombs stay buried. Let his automata rust and crumble.
⁴For his was the greatest failure—driven by Lorkhan’s Great Lie and churlish pride.
⁵His is a tale of woe and terror, and those that pursue his ugly maths shall pay a great price in blood.
⁶“But, was Dumac not a creator?” you ask? “Were the brass-child’s hands not covered in oil? Did they not speak the words of Making, and set wheel to axle?” ⁷Hear the words in sequence, followers of Seht. Intention dictates the worth of a machine. ⁸Where the Mainspring Ever-Wound seeks the convergence of the Nirn-Ensuing, the ghosts of the Dwemer cry out: “Multitudes! Multitudes!” ⁹Mer and machine, parted. Wisdom and ambition, parted. Made and Unmade, parted. ¹⁰And from those sunderings, a thousand thousand skittering machines are made—left to wander forgotten halls, aimless and profligate. ¹¹One may twist a knob left in preparation for another to twist the same knob right. One may loosen a pipe so that another may tighten it. ¹²They exist only to maintain the brass-childrens’ folly, and so they are redundant and profane in the Eye of Sotha Sil.
¹³But most profane is this: the walking horror that bears the Name, NM. The Brass Tower of Vanity. ¹⁴The mindless guardian of the Nirn-Prior. The Antipodal-God-Thing that reigns on the darkest pole of the sacred Nirn-Sphere. ¹⁵Of all the threats to Tamriel Final, NM is the greatest. Anuvanna’si. ¹⁶The Daedra can be banished in thought, but NM must be sundered on Nirn. ¹⁷It is the welded knot at the center of Anu that must be untied. The God-Puzzle. ¹⁸The Mainspring Ever-Wound remains silent on this point. And where there is silence, there is great wisdom.
¹⁹By the word, I wind the gears.