Volume Three
¹By the word, I wind the gears.
he Third Truth of the Mainspring Ever-Wound is the truth of the Daedra.
³In the days before the First Ignition, the Chimer people bent their knees to the False Princes:
⁴The Webspinner, the Prince of Plots, and the Queen of Dawn and Dusk. I do not use their names, as Name cleaves one from another.
⁵You know them well, child of the Tribunal, for every time you bear false witness, or make foolish boasts, you do so in their name.
⁶Their words corrode and weaken the heart. Their threats loosen the fasteners and break the seals.
⁷They are the Anti-Gears that turn counter to the Nameless Will. Servants of the Padomaic untruth whose nature is void.
⁸Of the Daedra, only the Gray Prince of Order knew his nature, and he went mad in the knowing.
⁹The Daedra fear wisdom and order, you see? And thus do they fear the Clockwork God above all others. ¹⁰Where others see dark crowns numbered ten and six, Sotha Sil sees shadows and nothing more. ¹¹For the Daedra are the lie that creation tells itself. Like their father, Padomay, they are Nothing. And in the Tamriel Final, Nothing shall hold no sway. Anuvanna’si. ¹²Their black mountain called “Oblivion” shall sink into the Furnace of Forgotten Numbers, where all lies burn and brittle multitudes turn to slag.
¹³I hear you ask: If the Daedra are of the Nothing, how do they lurk on our threshold? How do they lurk at all? ¹⁴Hear the words in sequence, child of the Tribunal! ¹⁵In the clumsily built Nirn-Prior, the et’Ada Gears left gaps and crevices where Nothing could take root. ¹⁶Imperfections born from Lorkhan’s Great Lie and the selfishness of fractured creation. ¹⁷In the glorious Anuic convergence of the Nirn-Ensuing, all gaps will be sealed. All crevices will be welded. ¹⁸The creaking and rattling of the machine shall retreat to a whisper, and the reckless chaos born from the et’Ada Gears’ folly shall shrivel and starve.
¹⁹By the word, I wind the gears.