Sermon Thirteen
hese were the days of Resdaynia, when Chimer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the
and their champion the Hortator.
²When the gods of Veloth would retreat unto their own, to mold the cosmos and other matters, the Hortator would at times become confused.
³Vivec would always be there to advise him, and this is the second of the three lessons of ruling kings:
⁴‘The secret syllable of royalty is this: [CHIM]
‘The temporal myth is man.
⁵‘The magical cross is an integration of the worth of mortals at the expense of their spirits. ⁶Surround it with the triangle and you begin to see the Triune house. ⁷It becomes divided into corners, which are ruled by our brethren, the Four Corners: BAL DAGON MALAC SHEOG. ⁸Rotate the triangle and you pierce the heart of the Beginning Place, the foul lie, the testament of the irrefutable-for-a-span. ⁹Above them all is the horizon where only one stands, though no one stands there yet. It is proof of the new. It is the promise of the wise. ¹⁰Unfold the whole and what you have is a star, which is not my domain, but not entirely outside my judgment. The grand design takes flight; it is transformed not only into a star but a hornet. ¹¹The center cannot hold. It becomes devoid of lines and points. It becomes devoid of anything and so becomes a receptacle. This is its usefulness at the end. This is its promise.
¹²‘The sword is the cross and ASV is the Triune house around it. ¹³If there is to be an end I must be removed. The ruling king must know this, and I will test him. I will murder him time and again until he knows this. ¹⁴I am the defender of the last and the last. To remove me is to refill the heart that lay dormant at the center that cannot hold. ¹⁵I am the sword, Ayem the star, Seht the mechanism that allows the transformation of the world. Ours is the duty to keep the compromise from being filled with black sea.
¹⁶‘The Sharmat sleeps at the center. He cannot bear to see it removed, the world of reference. ¹⁷This is the folly of the false dreamer. This is the amnesia of dream, or its power, or its circumvention. This is the weaker magic and it is barbed in venom.
¹⁸‘This is why I say the secret to swords is the mercy seat. It is my throne. ¹⁹I am become the voice of ASV. The world will know me more than my sister and brother. I am the psychopomp. I am the killer of the weeds of Veloth. Veloth is the center that cannot hold. ²⁰Ayem is the plot. Seht is the ending. I am the enigma that must be removed. These are why my words are armed to the teeth.
²¹‘The ruling king is to stand against me and then before me. He is to learn from my punishment. ²²I will mark him to know. He is to come as male or female. I am the form he must acquire.
²³‘Because a ruling king that sees in another his equivalent rules nothing.’
²⁴This is what was said to the Hortator when Vivec was not whole.
²⁵The ending of the words is ASV.