Changed Ones
f all the et’Ada who wandered Nirn, Trinimac was the strongest.
²He, for a very long time, fooled the Aldmeri into thinking that tears were the best response to the Sundering.
³They cried and shamed our ancestors, especially the feeble Altmer. They even took the Missing God’s name in vain, calling His narratives into question.
⁴So one day Boethiah, Prince of Plots, precocious youth, tricked Trinimac to go into his mouth. ⁵Boethiah talked like Trinimac for awhile then, and gathered enough people to listen to him. ⁶Boethiah showed them the lies of the et’Ada, the Aedra, and told them Trinimac was the biggest liar of all, saying all this with Trinimac’s voice! ⁷Boethiah told the mass before him the Tri-Angled Truth. He showed them, with Mephala, the rules of Psijic Endeavor. ⁸He taught them how to build Houses, and what items they needed to bury in the Corners. ⁹He demonstrated the right way to wear their skin. ¹⁰He performed the way to walk to achieve an Exodus.
¹¹Then Boethiah relieved himself of Trinimac right there on the ground before them to prove all the things he said were the truth.
¹²It was easy then for his new people to become the Changed Ones.